Miro Scum

Miro Scum

Media artist. Sound Artist. Music Producer. Visionary.

(Bachelor Of Media and Arts)

Miro (Miro Scum) Leirimaa is a media artist, sound artist and music producer. Education of Bachelor of Media and Arts. Three years ago Miro started experimenting with various new technological tools such as AI/AR integrations with traditional media art and started bringing cyberpunk style elements to his art. He’s been developing his art with various new AI/AR technologies and launched he’s own genre: Cyberpunk Media Art. Miro’s art involves experiments with new and different technologies and techniques without forgetting traditional media art tools and techniques. Grants from Seinäjoki City and from TAIKE (The Arts Promotion Centre Finland).

The Void, 2024, marker, laserprint, 21 x 29,7 cm
Cybernetic Abyss, 2023, digitaalinen maalaus, laservedos kapalevylle, 70 x 50 x 1 cm
Artificial Reality, 2023, new media art, 05.13 min